San Francisco Network Ministries

Computer Training Center
Memorial Services For Poor and Homeless People
Affordable Family Housing
SafeHouse For Prostituted Women
Ambassador Hotel Ministry
Advocating for Change
366 Eddy Street Center
Network Journal
Computer Training Center

December- Computer Training Center Calendar with Classes & Hours (in Word format)
Phone: (415) 929-1032
The Computer Training Center offers formal classes and computer access to adults and children from the Tenderloin. We provide training on state-of-the art machines in basic word processing, spreadsheets, and other Office programs necessary to succeed in today’s job market. Those who would be shut out of the information age have access via e-mail and the Web during open drop-in hours. Children have a separate computer lab where they can use educational CD ROMS, participate in group learning projects, and do research for homework assignments.

All services are free of charge to homeless people and Tenderloin residents.